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Teach and Free [Download] Nuxt.js – Vue.js on Steroids 2022 Udemy Course for Free With Direct Download Link.
Nuxt.js – Vue.js on Steroids Download
Build highly engaging Vue JS apps with Nuxt.js. Nuxt adds easy host-side-rendering and a folder-based config approach.
What you'll learn
- Build waiter-side-rendered single-page-applications (SPAs)
- Build normal, optimized SPAs with minimal cause
- Generate a static webpage from Vuejs code
- Vuejs knowledge is required, though you Don't need to personify an good at all
- That's actually all, you'll learn the rest in the course ????
Vue.js is an astonishing JavaScript framework which you can use up to physique highly engaging user interfaces and uniform page applications. You can join my bestselling course along Vue.js, here along Udemy, if you lack to memorise more about this amazing theoretical account!
Nuxt.js takes it to the next even!
It's a library for Vue.js (kind of a "framework for a theoretical account") and it adds two major things to Vue.js:
- Server-side-interpretation of your Vue app out of the box
- Tardily Vue app configuration via folders and files
You'll of course learn entirely the details in that course just the most important takeaway is that Nuxt.js makes the creation of better, more optimized and more capable Vue apps much easier – and completely of that whilst adding pretty much No overhead.
In this path, I'll teach you how to create Nuxt/ Vue apps from fret! We'll build an intact course project and dive into the core features Nuxt.js offers.
By the end of the course, you'll have a out-and-out Vue app, built with Nuxt.js, which can be rendered on the waiter (operating theater as a static website!) and which is highly optimized.
The course will teach you …
- … what Nuxt.js precisely is and how it's connected to Vue.js
- … how you use Nuxt.js to build bettor Vue apps
- … everything you need to know about the "configure via folders & files" approach seized by Nuxt
- … different build possibilities like SSR apps, SPAs or a electrostatic webpage
- … how you form an entire project, including certification, via Nuxt.js
- And agency more!
Who am I?
My name is Maximilian Schwarzmüller and I built my company's (Academind) web page with Nuxt.js.
Besides that, I'm the instructor of the 5* rated, bestselling Vue.js course here on Udemy. I worked with Vue since it's Beta, the same is harmonious for Nuxt.js.
I absolutely have intercourse these two frameworks and I can't wait to dive into them together with you!
Related Courses:
Build Web Apps with Vue JS 2 & Firebase
Nuxt JS with Laravel API – Building SSR Vue JS Apps
Vue JS 2 – The Full Guide (Incl. Vue Router & Vuex)
WHO this course is for:
- Anyone World Health Organization wants to build attractive, (optionally) server-side-rendered Vue JS apps
- Anyone who wants to work with Vuejs and follow a stripped-down-constellation approach
- WHO wants to make over still websites with Vuejs (Nuxt as a static pageboy generator!)
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Rootage: https://www.udemy.com/course/nuxtjs-vuejs-on-steroids/
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